Tuesday 28 June 2011

My Research "CGI Vs Narrative"

For my project, I will be studying the impact of CGI on film narrative and. Examples I will be using is Avatar, Jurrasic Park, Transformers: The Dark Side of the Moon and Star wars: The Phantom Menace.

While at the inception of the CGI, it was just seen as just another aspect of post-production that was to intended to help the narrative, this can be seen in  Jurassic Park. Now, it can been seen, instead, replacing narrative, like in Micheal Bay's Transformers series.


  1. I think this is a great idea and well chosen films make sure you get the sight and sound review for PM as it slates the use of CGI excellent for your research. You can now fill in your proposal and mail it back to me. Well done

  2. Harry can you post an update please. have a listen to kermodes review of Transformers and Pirates. These will be good sources for you. Make sure you are noting down all the sources you are looking at, I want to be able to see where you are heading.
